Shoe Labels
When a pile of shoes all look the same, a simple name label for school shoes can reduce the stress of finding yours.

Your shoes. Our labels. They're a perfect match.
Why label your shoes?
There are two main reasons you benefit from labeling shoes. The first is that shoes, especially children's school shoes, can be expensive. The second is that children are not always the best at keeping track of their belongings. It happens all the time, children forget to put their shoes in their bag while changing for PE, or leave them in the change room at swimming. It's never on purpose, but it means that you have to buy a new pair, even if the lost pair was only bought recently! Shoe labels make it really easy for someone to return your lost shoes to you, or for you to find them in Lost Property. Add a phone number or class name when ordering the labels to make it even easier. Popping a simple label in the most commonly worn pairs of shoes could potentially save you a lot of money as it means there is much less chance of having to replace a lost pair of shoes.
Shoe labels are both practical and attractive.
Lots of children's shoes look really similar, especially school or sports shoes. It can be tricky to pick out your particular pair from all the others at the edge of the room at the end of gymnastics or after relaxation. It's unfortunately not uncommon for a child to pick up the wrong pair. Cue shoes labels! Shoe Labels in bright colours are eye-catching and make it super easy for children to identify their pair of shoes among a crowd of others. Even pre-schoolers can find their pair by looking for their coloured labels or particular image inside the shoes. For older children or adults, even discrete black labels with just a name are easier to pick than marker pen scribbled on the sole. So not only do shoe name labels help by making it easy to identify your pair of shoes, they look great while doing it!
Shoe labels can help little ones learn to be independent.
Our left and right shoe labels are aimed at toddlers and pre-schoolers. They are a simple and interesting way to help young children start to learn their lefts and rights. The cute little foot images on each label make it easy for them to learn which shoe goes on which foot, allowing them to more easily put their shoes on by themselves. Encouraging independence is important for young children and our left and right shoe labels are an easy way to begin to do so, while also helping you avoid lost shoes!